Vision Statement

Our vision: "To provide a safe, friendly and supportive environment for the learning and enjoyment of competitive bridge”

"In Brief"

AnnouncementsThe 2025 programme is now on the website homepage - thanks to Craig Jackson for the suggestion and Shelley Ross for doing the work.

Replacement dealing machine - thanks to Rae Lutman for getting the money and Eileen Queree for managing the issue so successfully. The old machine will be gifted to Otaki Bridge Club.

 A wifi booster is being acquired to improve tablet performance - thanks to Murray Lobb and Maureen Pratchett for their technical expertise.

Learners lessons start 10 March - thanks to all involved in flyer drop and to Viv Gray for organising the advertising (including the very successful radio interview with Stephanie Cheeseman and Jo Anson).

Congratulations to:
    Craig Jackson -
    winner of the Joan Allard trophy
    for most improved player

    Pat Stuart - winner of the Ken Mills award
    for her work on the new constitution

Craig and Murray - winners of the Masterton Junior Pairs.

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