Vision Statement

Our vision: "To provide a safe, friendly and supportive environment for the learning and enjoyment of competitive bridge”

Internet Update

  Web Working Group

The working group I mentioned in my "Updating the Website" post on 25 February has now had its first meeting.  I attended as the Committee's representative.

The group (consisting of Judi Vernau, Sally Weatherley and Shelley Ross) will be taking on three broad strands of work:
  • Updating and modernising the Club website to serve as the "base" source of information for our members, the wider bridge community and the general public
  • Developing the "Hugh's News" blog as the primary source of "transient" information of interest to our members
  • Examining the development of a (currently dormant) Facebook page as an "outwards facing" presence where we can advertise and publicise the club in a social media setting
Judi Vernau has kindly agreed to act as convenor for the group, which will be meeting again in around a month.  I'll update you on progress as it's made.


Shelley Ross stands down today as the club's webmaster after four years in the role.  I would like sincerely to thank her for her expertise and hard work in keeping the site current and relevant during that period and, in particular, to acknowledge with appreciation her willingness to remain involved with the working group and contribute to its ongoing work.

I am delighted that Sally Weatherley has agreed to take over the role of webmaster.  Sally will take over following her overseas travels in April.  In the meantime Judi Vernau has kindly agreed to hold the fort.

Welcome to Hugh's News

Waikanae Bridge

Hello everyone,

This blog is my first attempt to provide a new way of keeping you up to date with the goings on at our Club.

I plan to update this whenever something of interest crops up, so that you don't have to wait for a monthly newsletter for your information (don't worry - there'll still be a monthly newsletter for those who prefer to get their news that way).

If you think I should include something, or if you want to comment on any of the posts on this blog, please let me know by either using the contact form in the sidebar, or by email at, or just give me a call on 0273549570.  I'd love to hear from you at any (reasonable!) time.

Thank you Chris

As Chris Farrow steps down from the Presidency after his two year term, I'd like to acknowledge his leadership, his commitment to the Club and his sheer hard work over that period.  His sense of humour, while no doubt sometimes tested, has remained intact and he has so often "gone the extra mile" both for individual members in times of difficulty or ill health and for the Club as a whole that - as I said at the AGM - he's going to be a hard act to follow.

Chris - on behalf of the entire Club, thank you for everything you have done as President and the contribution I know you will continue to make as you continue on the Committee.  

Please be gentle - you know the routine!
 "Please be gentle - you know the routine"


Following a full morning's work by our redoubtable Secretary, I am delighted to announce that not only has our application to re-register the club under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 been successfully submitted but that it has also been approved.

A copy of the updated Certificate of Incorporation is shown below.

Our new Constitution is now therefore in full force and effect: until the website can be updated a copy is available here.

New Committee

The membership of the new Committee is as follows:

Hugh Wolfensohn (President)
Rae Lutman (Secretary)
Margaret Gordon (Treasurer)
Graham Cheater
Derek Snelling
Chris Farrow
Helen Walker
Nicky Bradley
Jo Anson
Fiona McDonald-Bates

My sincere thanks to all for either agreeing to continue on the Committee or to join it, and also to the four members of the previous Committee who have stepped down:

Ady Dale
Viv Gray
Stephanie Cheeseman
Eileen Queree

all of whom have kindly agreed to continue with some or all of their existing tasks (which is greatly appreciated).

Annual Plan and Budget

Subject to the Committee's approval I expect we will soon be publishing an annual plan and budget.  Watch this space!

Updating our Website

A small team (consisting of Judi Vernau, Sally Weatherley and Shelley Ross) has recently been set up to look at updating and modernising our website.  If there's anything you would like to see on the new site, please let the team know.