Vision Statement

Our vision: "To provide a safe, friendly and supportive environment for the learning and enjoyment of competitive bridge”

From the Committee


This page contains links to items relating to the Committee.

The membership of the current Committee is as follows:

Hugh Wolfensohn (President)
Rae Lutman (Secretary)
Margaret Gordon (Treasurer)
Graham Cheater (former President, and Life Member)
Chris Farrow (past President)
Derek Snelling
Helen Walker
Nicky Bradley
Jo Anson
Fiona McDonald-Bates

The  initial "brainstorming" meeting scheduled for 10th March has been postponed to 31st March to ensure the maximum number of Committee members are able to attend.

At that meeting I expect that we will identify a number of issues the Committee want to focus on going forward.  I will provide a list of those as soon as they have been agreed.

The next scheduled Committee meeting is on 10th March.